Weekly Writing & Reading Recap: September 5 - September 11

by - 8:00 PM

Since I've started a new website, I decided why not start a new blog series too! So, to share my progress with you guys and keep myself accountable, I will be tracking all of my writing & reading stats!

To be honest, I haven't gotten much reading or writing done lately. I've been distracted with life and a four month old puppy. Luckily, I was able to get a little bit of reading and writing in today!

Page Count: 74
Word Count: 1142

While I didn't get any reading or writing in, I did do something productive. Can you guess what it is?! I built a new website! Well, I'm not quite finished, but I'm hoping to put the finishing touches on it tomorrow!

Page Count: 0
Word Count: 0

Guess who finished her site today?! I did! After I did that, I wrote two quick blog posts and then published the site for the world to see! And after seeing those two zeros yesterday, I felt a little guilty, so I forced myself to read. Hopefully I'm able to get some writing in tomorrow!

Page Count: 138
Word Count: 0

I've got to be honest, I did not do much of anything today. I spent a good portion dealing with a migraine and trying to drown it out with a binge session of Jane the Virgin. However, I did use the time my husband was picking up dinner to get some light reading in! Then after he went to bed, I got a lot more done.

Page Count: 228
Word Count: 202

Today has been incredibly busy. I wrote two Perfectly Ambitious blog posts, spoke with multiple clients and potential clients, and I updated 126 published blog posts. After doing all of that, I decided it was time to take a break. I turned on Jane the Virgin and ate mint chocolate chip ice cream right out of the container and even though I wanted to watch the next episode, I decided it was finally time to get some real stuff done in regards to my writing career. So, I finished my book, wrote the review, and started working on my second novel again!

Page Count: 92
Word Count: 148

My plan for today was to get up, get ready, finish the little bit of work that I had left, and then head somewhere to write. However, that's not what happened. I ended up having way more work to do than before, and while I'm glad that I'm finally making some money, I hate that I'm not moving forward with my debut novel. So tonight, I'm focusing on getting everything I can done so that I can dedicate tomorrow to writing. 

Page Count: 0
Word Count: 0

Well, it seems that as soon as I make a plan the universe decides it needs to be changed. I went to bed last night with the intention of waking up and heading to Panera for a writing session, but when I woke up I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. So then I told myself I'd eat and see how I felt afterwards;  but that was a joke, because I couldn't even make the walk to the living room. I think I had to stop about four times before finally I just flung myself on to the couch. Needless to say, that's where I've been all day. 

Page Count: 86
Word Count: 287

Weekly Wrap-up 
Even though this week didn't go as planned, I'm really happy with what I've accomplished. As someone with multiple chronic illnesses, I've learned that I have to celebrate every little accomplishment no matter how small it is. So I'm pretty happy with the fact that I finished a book and a novella and managed to write over a thousand words. Here's to hoping that next week goes better! 

Page Count: 618
Word Count: 1,779

Books Read: 2
Debut Novel Progress: 68 pages in
Second Novel Progress: 35 pages in

What have you accomplished this week? Tell me in the comments!

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