Weekly Writing & Reading Recap: January 16 - January 22
It took a little while to get back on track, but I'm excited to announce that the Weekly Writing & Reading Recaps are back on! This week I accomplished more than I thought I could and I'm excited to share it with you all!
Today has been pretty productive, I know that I was supposed to get some other work done, but I've been in pretty bad shape the last couple of days. My pain has been off the charts, so I've been curled up with an advanced copy of Follow Me Back from A.V. Geiger! Of course, my guilt kicked in a little bit, so I made sure to send out some emails and schedule a couple posts for Perfectly Ambitious when I wasn't reading! And after forcing myself to get some writing time in, I managed to write six more poems for one of my verse novels!
Page Count: 228
Word Count: 256
Guys, I can already tell you that this week is going to be rough :/ I'm just trying to push through it as easy and painless as possible. Today, I honestly didn't get anything done except some light reading and watching tv. Fingers crossed I'll start feeling better tomorrow!
Page Count: 135
Word Count: 0
Today, I went ahead and wrote the book review for Follow Me Back. Plus, I prepped the rest of this month's blog posts for this blog! Then on top of that, I ordered a bunch of new books for the #ICBReadingChallenge2017 :)
Page Count: 0
Word Count: 0
Today I had another test at the hospital, so I made sure to bring a new book with me! I was able to get some good reading in and picked up some breakfast before heading home. Afterwards, I managed to write a couple blog posts for Perfectly Ambitious, and I even lined up a series of guest posts for Ivy Cirillo Books! Oh and I made a new Facebook page for this website as well as a Bloglovin' account!
Page Count: 173
Word Count: 0
Today, I was determined to get some writing time in! I've felt so guilty for working on everything else, that I forced myself to open up each of my current WIP's and see if I could put words to paper. Surprisingly enough, I was able to! In fact, I even filled in a couple holes in one of my verse novels! And, I wrote a few pages of both of my other books too!
Page Count: 120
Word Count: 2006
I have to admit, today was pretty productive! I woke up and finished the book that I was reading, wrote my review of it, and kept on working! I managed to write a couple blog posts and make a couple changes to my website's design. Plus, I even started reading another book today too!
Page Count: 46
Word Count: 0
Today was more of a "research" day. I spent a good portion of the day watching movies in hopes to spark some inspiration for my writing. I've had some ideas lingering in my head, but I haven't really been able to get them onto paper yet. Luckily, the movies gave me some really good starting points and I'm excited to add them to my stories! Of course, I managed to get some reading in too :)
Page Count: 25
Word Count: 0
Weekly Wrap-up
Overall, I'm incredibly happy with how this week went! It's been a while since I've worked on my novels and I managed to write over 2,000 words this week! Not only that, but I managed to read over 700 pages too! Honestly, I'm really happy with how things are going and I hope that I can keep up with these numbers!
Page Count: 727
Word Count: 2,262
Books Read: Follow Me Back, Chasing Polaris
Debut Novel Progress: 74 pages in
Second Novel Progress: 49 pages in
Third Novel Progress: 17 pages in
Anthology Progress: 4 pages in
Second Novel Progress: 49 pages in
Third Novel Progress: 17 pages in
Anthology Progress: 4 pages in
What have you accomplished this week? Tell me in the comments!
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